Belkasoft X Help Contents

What is Belkasoft Evidence Center (Belkasoft X) and who are its users?

Belkasoft Evidence Center X (further abbreviated as Belkasoft X) is Belkasoft’s flagship digital forensic suite. The product makes it easy for an investigator to perform all steps of modern digital investigation including:

  • Data acquisition from various devices and clouds
  • Artifact extraction and recovery
  • Analysis of extracted data
  • Reporting
  • Sharing evidence

The product supports the following types of digital forensics in a single user interface:

  • Mobile forensics
  • Computer forensics
  • Memory (RAM) forensics
  • Cloud forensics

Both high-level and low-level analysis can be done with Belkasoft X. On a low-level, the product allows you to view raw data in files and databases using low-level viewers such as File System, Hex Viewer, SQLite Viewer, Registry Viewer and Plist viewer. On a high-level, the product can automatically extract a so-called "Low hanging digital forensic fruit", meaning the hundreds of forensically important artifacts such as emails, documents, chats, and so on.

The product can also be used for Incident Response and has a specialized window for incident investigations.

Belkasoft X is used to conduct digital investigations, often in connection with an online or offline crime, data recovery, intelligence and counterintelligence. Typical Belkasoft X customers are:

  • Police
  • Federal investigative organizations
  • RCFLs (Regional Computer Forensics Laboratories)
  • CAC (Crimes Against Children) and ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) departments
  • Government drug enforcement organizations
  • Customs
  • State post
  • Military

Various private companies use the product for incident response. Private investigators employ Belkasoft X to assist in their investigations.