Ace Computers, a renowned name in the field of technology solutions, introduces the ACE FORCE Series Forensic Workstations. Built for professionals who demand high-speed, secure, and effective digital forensics tools, these workstations epitomize industry-leading innovations and reliability. Our dedication to delivering superior quality and performance is embodied in the ACE FORCE Series. |

BahFed was founded in 2011 as a provider of IT equipment, office supplies and support solutions to federal, state and local government customers. We have built our business reputation on our customer service and post-award services. As a holder of multiple contracts—GSA Schedules, NASA SEWP V and Blanket Purchase Agreements—we serve government agencies and organizations with our technical expertise. We specialize in the areas of system design, layer 2/3 networking, storage, high-performance computing and SATCOM. Even more, our staff brings decades of experience within the government marketplace. We have supported several major deployments for the U.S. military, NATO, Departments of State, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, and NASA—all have been executed with exemplary performance records. |

BiTMindz is our reseller in United States. BiTMindz is a leader in forensic hardware and processing engines to efficiently process through endless amounts of digital evidence. We offer the highest quality workstations and processing engines on the market. BiTMindz focuses on the processing power of each system and fine tunes or customizes that system to meet the end user's needs.
We are focused on the customer experience and the agility of the system to efficiently and quickly get through cases. |

Digital Intelligence is our reseller in USA. Digital Intelligence is the industry recognized leader in the field of Digital Forensic hardware and systems. Additionally, they offer training on a wide range of topics and forensic software as well as a full array of forensic services and eDiscovery support. |

Digital Shield, Incorporated (DSI) is our reseller in United States.
The company is dedicated to assist in the response, discovery, analysis, mitigation and tracking of cyber incidents as they occur within commercial and government entities. Digital Shield Security Professionals have extensive backgrounds in conducting forensic examinations, log analysis, network and physical security vulnerability assessments, and Certification and Accreditation requirements. |

Risk is inherent in life and business. DUOLARK's mission is to provide systems, solutions, and services to essential private and public entities for protection from known risks. In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Digital Forensics, and Incident Response (DFIR) tools and services stand at the forefront of safeguarding digital assets against increasingly sophisticated threats. We leverage cutting-edge technology and deep forensic analysis. We empower businesses to swiftly recover from security incidents, ensuring minimal downtime and protecting against financial and reputational damage. With a team of seasoned experts specializing in ransomware incident responses, digital forensics, and comprehensive cybersecurity strategies, we provide a shield of protection for your digital infrastructure—our commitment to excellence and continuous innovation positions us as trusted providers of DFIR products and solutions. Choose DFIR tools and services from DUOLARK to secure your digital future against the unknown challenges of tomorrow. |

EFS e-Forensic Services Inc (EFS) was formed in September 2009 by Laurie Windover and Colin Cree, two retired RCMP officers. The founders believed that their combined training and experience placed them in a unique position to provide premium-level service. EFS is located in the Vancouver region of British Columbia and offers professional services across Canada. It also supplies hardware, software, and training in digital forensics to clients within Canada. EFS customers include government agencies, law enforcement agencies, corporations, law firms, and security consultants across Canada. |

SUMURI is our reseller in USA and Canada. SUMURI is an award-winning digital forensics company located in the state of Delaware within the United States. SUMURI began serving the forensic community in July 2010 when it was founded by Steve Whalen, who is a Certified Forensic Computer Examiner and a retired State Trooper, and his wife Ailyn Whalen. SUMURI is known for developing innovative and forward-thinking forensic software and hardware along with providing expert forensic training and services. SUMURI's core values consist of honor, integrity, loyalty, positive attitude, dedication, and most importantly, altruism - the desire to help, serve and care for others first before oneself. SUMURI keeps on growing and expanding not just with Talent resources but also its products and services.

Teel Technologie is our reseller in United States. Teel Technologies is today's leading provider of Mobile Device and Digital Forensic tools, training and examination services for local, state and federal law enforcement customers. Offering a comprehensive selection of solutions for complete laboratory work and field operations, as well as a broad training curriculum that includes Advanced Chip-off, JTAG, ISP, Bootloader, SQLite, Programming for Forensics, CDR Analysis, Field Operative training, and more, Teel Technologies provides examiners in the lab and field with the tools and skills needed to successfully investigate mobile devices and other digital media. |

vPrime Tech is a VAR (Value Added Reseller) of IT solutions and services. They sell in the SLED, Fed, and Commercial verticals. Their experience and consultative approach allows them to help IT administrators, managers, and directors get back to focusing on their core functions. They work together with companies, help them adopt the cloud, become more innovative, expose them to applications that can make the workflow smoother, and help them secure their data. |

Avatu is our reseller in United Kingdom. The company is the largest independent supplier of specialist computer forensic tools in the UK. Covering a wide range of digital devices including PC’s, laptops, PDA’s and phones, Data Duplication stocks a comprehensive range of hardware and software to enable examiners to capture data and analyse it in a forensically sound environment. Working closely with many of the largest companies in digital forensics the company provides a full after sales service on hardware and ongoing training on most software products. |

Datamatic Sistemi & Servizi is our reseller in Italy. |

EMT Elektronik is our reseller in Turkey. The company provides state-of-the-art data/audio/video forensic products and solutions to public enterprises and private companies. EMT Elektronik is an ISO 9001 certified company, and has a technical service approved by Turkish Standard Institute. The company is the first and leading company in the field of computer forensic and authorized distributor/reseller of many market leader vendors in Turkey.
EMT Elektronik, Türkiye yetkili satıcımızdır. Kamu kurumlarına ve özel şirketlere en gelişmiş veri/ses/video adli bilişim ürünlerini ve çözümlerini temin etmektedir. EMT Elektronik ISO 9001 sertifikasına sahip olup, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü tarafından onaylı teknik servisi bulunmaktadır. Türkiye'de bilişim suçları alanında ilk ve lider firma olup, birçok pazar lideri üreticinin yetkili distribütörü ve satıcısıdır. |

ForSec is our reseller in Poland.
ForSec is a FORensics and SECurity company, we are one of the leader of polish CF market with professional services both for law enforcement and corporate customers. With our forensic and data recovery laboratory also analysis department we can provide our customers unique and complex solutions. We are very proud of training center with our leading hacking school academy.
ForSec jest firmą zajmującą się informatyką śledczą oraz bezpieczeństwem IT, jesteśmy liderem informatyki śledczej na polskim rynku. Świadczymy profesjonalne usługi zarówno dla organów ścigania jak i klientów biznesowych. Nasz dział analiz, laboratorium kryminalistyczne i odzyskiwania danych sprawia, że możemy dostarczyć naszym klientom unikalne i złożone rozwiązania. Jesteśmy dumni z tego, że posiadamy bogatą ofertę szkoleń wraz z bestsellerowym szkoleniem - Techniki Hackingu i Cyberprzestępczości. |

Insectra Technology Services is our reseller in Spain. The company is a Technology Company that delivers a wide range of Products and Services to customers in Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. Insectra is specialized in Information Security Products and Services, in particular in areas such as: Privileged Identity Management, Sensitive Document Sharing, Log Management, Computer Forensics. |

INsig2 is our reseller in ex-Yugoslavia countries.
INsig2, Croatian company founded in 2004, has two main focus in the field of digital forensics; conducting a variety of forensics courses and setting up digital forensics laboratories.
Since 2008, INsig2 has its own educational center with high quality capacity to conduct a variety of forensics courses. This education program has included principles and methodology of digital forensics, a legal perspective of working with digital evidences as well as the use of hardware and software forensic tools manufactured by the world’s leading vendors, with whom INsig2 has established partnerships, which enables us to provide specific vendor trainings. INsig2 extensive experience in designing, equipping and setting up digital forensics laboratories for different government agencies and the police. In the line with the client’s budget and requirements,
INsig2 will deliver and set up all the equipment and software, prepare the project and technical documentation and prepare instructions on equipment usage and maintenance.

IntellSec is our reseller in Serbia. IntellSec is a new company in business with special security equipment for governmental end users, but with highly experienced personnel in this field. Digital forensic products and solutions are our main focus. |

4N6 &
Forensicshop is our reseller in Italy. 4N6
has been established in 2013 in Northern Italy and is reseller of many manufacturers
in the computer forensics and digital forensics industry such as forensic
software, forensic hardware, forensic workstations, forensic duplicators,
forensic write blockers, mobile forensic hardware. 4N6 also offers additional
services such as consultancy, support and training.

Mediarecovery is our reseller in Poland. Based
in Poland, Katowice, Mediarecovery is the computer forensic leader on the
Polish market. The company has the biggest specialized computer forensic
laboratory in this part of Europe. Mediarecovery provides computer forensic,
data recovery and password decryption products sales. |

MergenPro is our reseller in Turkey. MergenPro assists public and private sector clients in Digital Forensic Investigations, e-Discovery and Cyber Security. They provide a wide range of services, from consulting and education to supplying the latest technologies to laboratories and cyber security centers. MergenPro supports clients for sensitive electronic discovery, information governance, computer/mobile forensics, information security, and privacy issues to get results fast, reduce their cost and mitigate legal risks.
MergenPro Türkiye yetkili satıcımızdır. MergenPro, kamu ve özel sektör müşterilerimize Dijital Adli Soruşturmalar, E-Keşif ve Siber Güvenlik konularında yardımcı olmakta; danışmanlıktan eğitime kadar geniş bir hizmet yelpazesi sunmaktadır. Laboratuvarlar ve siber güvenlik merkezleri için en son teknoloji ürünlerin teminini sağlamaktadır. Müşterilerine hassas elektronik keşif, bilgi yönetimi, bilgisayar/mobil adli bilişim, bilgi güvenliği ve gizlilik konularında hızlı sonuç almaları, maliyetlerini ve yasal riskleri azaltmaları için yardımcı olmaktadır. |

mh-Service GmbH is our reseller in Germany.
mh-Service is the leading provider and manufacturer for IT-Forensic goods
in Germany. The company is not dealing the German-speaking countries only,
it also got partners all around the world. mh-Service company produces the
TreCorder (a portable imaging and analyzing device with 3 integrated writeblockers),
and forensic- Workstations, Servers, and offers the whole range of products
in the forensic Hard- and Software area (most of them are exclusively sold
by mh-Service GmbH). mh-Service GmbH has also some frame contracts with
the German Republic as well as foreign countries, where it is possible to
buy most of the products without the need of a tender. The company also
offers trainings for its software in German and services like forensic acquisitions
and analysis.
Die mh-Service GmbH ist der fuehrende Anbieter und Hersteller fuer IT-Forensik
in Deutschland. Ausserdem ist sie nicht nur taetig im Deutschsprachigen
Ausland sondern auch International durch verschiedene Partnerfirmen. Von
dieser Firma wird der TreCorder (ein portabler Beweissicherungs- sowie Analyse
PC mit 3 Schreibschutzblockern), forensische- Workstations, Server gefertigt
und so gut wie jede forensische Hard- und Software Loesungen (wobei viele
nur ausschliesslich von der mh-Service GmbH bezogen werden koennen) angeboten.
Es besteht auch ein Rahmenvertrag zwischen der mh-Service GmbH und allen
Bundesbehoerden womit man viele Produkte auch ohne Ausschreibung beziehen
kann. Desweiteren bieten sie Schulungen fuer Softwareprodukte und Dienstleistungen
wie, IT-Beweissicherungen und Laboranalysen. |

Microring is our reseller in Armenia. The company, established in 1990, has its strong position in Armenian IT market. We offer to our clients IT equipment and system software.
Important part of our activity is participation in Bids and development of complex projects. We have implemented a number of successful deliveries and projects to different governmental organizations, banks, telecommunication companies, Armenian Nuclear Power Plant, etc.
Microring has the showroom and service center located in the center of capital Yerevan and two shops in the regions of Armenia. We have our logistic team and we import products from the countries of Europe, Asia and USA. |

Moonsoft Oy is our reseller in Finland. Moonsoft Oy specializes in software sales and deployment for corporates, academic institutions and the public sector. Our customer base consists companies in Nordic and the Baltics. Our excellent ability to help the customer select the correct products and licensing for their organizations makes us stand out from the competition.
Our core business is software sales from the world’s leading suppliers, but we also provide professional services, support and tools to help our customers properly manage the complete software lifecycle from start to finish. |

OnRetrieval is our reseller in Spain. OnRetrieval, is a company specialized and certified in Data Recovery, Computer Forensics and Cybersecurity with more than 15 years of experience in this market.
OnRetrieval´s Computer Forensics area has a team of computer experts in the acquisition and analysis of digital evidence related to any crime or fraud that use rigorous practices and maintain at all times a proper chain of custody of evidence, in order to give judicial validity to the results obtained, using the most robust forensic tools on the market.
César García Jaramillo (Founder and CEO of OnRetrieval) leads the company under the radar philosophy and focus: "We locate the latest technology, acquire it, certify our equipment and provide the service".

Privnet Kft is our reseller in Hungary. Privnet Kft. was established in 2005 and is the top digital forensic service provider company in Hungary. The company also acts as reseller of forensic software, hardware and special forensic services. |

Professor John Walker is our training partner in the UK and other countries.
Sole Practitioner with 22 years in Royal Air Force Security/Investigations and Counter Intelligence operations [Overt/Covert] service, working with GCHQ, CESG, UK and US Agencies, ITSO and Systems Security Manager for CIA Accredited Systems, Visiting Professor School of Science/Technology - Nottingham Trent University [NTU], Practising and Registered Expert Witness, Certified Forensics Investigator Practitioner [CFIP], Editorial Member at MedCrave Research for Forensics & Criminology, ENISA CEI Listed Expert, Editorial Member of the Cyber Security Research Institute [CRSI], Digital Forensics/Cyber Security Listed Trainer at Meirc [Dubai] of Certified courses, and Fellow of Royal Society for the Arts [FRSA], and writer for Apress Publishing New York. |

Risk Analysis Consultants is our reseller in Czech Republic. The company established in 1995, is one of the largest digital forensics software, hardware reseller and service provider, assisting the law enforcement in collecting and investigating digital evidence over the years.
The company was also the first private Computer Forensic Institute in Czech Republic pursuing complex forensic examinations of information technology. |

TRACIP is our reseller in France and French-speaking African countries. As the leading Data
Recovery & Digital Investigation Laboratory in France since 1994, TRACIP
brings its strong experience in the Computer Forensic field to advise, equip
and train Law Enforcement, Corporations, Attorneys and Computer Forensic
experts. From securing the evidence to editing a report while analyzing
deeply the information from many types of suspect Medias, TRACIP will provide
you with the whole range of tools and the necessary knowledge to cover a
full Computer Forensic examination efficiently. |

Atlantis Kontsept Group firmly adheres to the principle that technology
should facilitate business growth and success, not constrain it. Drawing on
years of experience and the high qualifications of its specialists, the
company offers a wide range of top-notch IT services, selecting solutions
that perfectly meet each client's unique needs. Their approach is based on
integrity and attention to detail, ensuring impeccable task execution,
allowing clients to focus on developing their core activities. |

Beijing Computer Forensic Service Center is our reseller in China. |

Bounga Solusi Informatika is our reseller in Indonesia.
Bounga Solusi Informatika was established in 2002, based in Bandung, Indonesia and has thrived into a leading company in the field of digital forensics providing a broad range of solutions for different needs of its law enforcement, government, as well as enterprise clients. |

Data Prove is a leading provider of front-line digital forensic and cyber-security solutions, catering to diverse industries. With a team of highly qualified and skilled experts, we combine industry experience with the best-in-class technologies to deliver precise and speedy results for our clients. |

DataExpert is our reseller in Hong Kong, China, and Thailand. Established in 2005 in Hong Kong, DataExpert has been one of the leading suppliers in IT security industry in Asia. We develop, manufacture and distribute professional products in the fields of digital forensics, data recovery and data disposal. To provide excellent service to our customers, DataExpert set up the first and only private owned full-service digital forensics laboratory in Hong Kong.
順安達科技有限公司成立於2005年,總部設於香港,是資訊安全領域的領頭企業之一。我們緊隨最前沿的科技,致力於電子鑑證、數據恢復和數據安全銷毀領域。為給客戶提供更加優質的服務,順安達科技還建立了香港唯一一間私營的多功能電子鑑證實驗室。 |

DataExpert Singapore is a professional digital forensics and information security company established in Singapore in 2014.
We provide products, services, training, and facilities in the areas of data recovery, digital forensics, and data security to meet customer needs in information security and digital investigations.
We are a licensed investigation agency, and our team members are qualified investigators and certified forensic examiners.
We seek to provide values and benefits to our customers through our facilities, products, services, and training, helping them to better manage digital crimes, disruptions, and data security.

Dynamic Solutions is our reseller in Bangladesh. The company initially started their business in the year 2007 in IT sector and finally obtained government approval in the year 2009. The company established as one of the leading solution provider in the sector of Digital IT Forensic and Cyber Security. They supply a range of quality equipment from around the world, provide after sales support and are always ready to advise the best solutions for your dynamic application. |
The Forensic Lab Mongolia is our reseller in Mongolia. The Forensic Lab is the leading forensic solutions provider on Mongolian market. The company has three main services: provides Forensic services to LEAs and big corporations, provides Forensic equipment and software, and provides training. |

Foundation Futuristic Technologies is our reseller in India. The company, established in 1999, is a global leader in the computer forensics and digital investigation solutions space. Our proven in-depth domain expertise has been developed over decades of working with law enforcement organizations on numerous complex crime investigations. We provide a broad spectrum of standalone and turnkey solutions that enable digital investigations of any kind, including computer forensics, mobile forensics, incident response, eDiscovery and information assurance.
Foundation Futuristic Technologies has a state of the art computer forensics lab equipped with all the latest tools and technologies from around the world and manned by certified personnel trained in the US, Korea and UK.
Foundation Futuristic Technologies is committed to providing innovative, cutting edge, reliable solutions for a safer planet. |

Fulcrum Management is our reseller in Australia and New Zealand. Fulcrum Management is the leading supplier, and partner of choice for digital investigations (Computer & Mobile Forensics) software, hardware and vendor led training in Australasia. The company represents more than 40 suppliers and have offices in Sydney. The company has provided procurement services to government, law enforcement agencies and to the corporate sector.
Email sales@fulcrum.net.au
Phone +61 431 436 007
PO Box 615, Manly NSW 2095. Australia

Kumanan PC Net, Inc. is our reseller in Japan.
The company has developed own data recovery technology WinDiskRescue and
supplies it all over Japan. Kumanan PC Net is also engaged in the development
and sales of the data recovery devices. Company offers device installing
and technical training service to the police and government organizations
and assists Japanese law enforcement with the digital forensics. |

mh SERVICE Abu Dhabi is our reseller in United Arab Emirates. With more than 20 years’ experience, mh-SERVICE is one of today’s leading providers and suppliers of products and services related to IT, mobile phone and audio-visual forensics.
As a partner of all current market leaders of forensic hardware and software, mh-SERVICE can provide you with the full range of high-end storage and network solutions from a single source.
We offer solutions from smaller hand-held devices, through to workstations and servers, right up to fool-proof high performance Cluster Labs. We also design and build fully customised and fully equipped mobile laboratories – either on ‘wheels’ on a truck base, in a van, or in a state-of-the-art portable container. |

mh-SERVICE GmbH Asia, is our reseller for Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Philippines.
With more than 20 years’ experience, mh-SERVICE is one of today’s leading providers and suppliers of products and services related to IT, mobile phone and audio-visual forensics.
As a partner with all current IT-forensic market leaders, mh-SERVICE can provide you with the full range of high-end storage systems, network solutions, complete forensic labs and hand held solutions all from a single source.

PELORUS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (PTPL) is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company established with a vision of providing specialized solutions in telecom and infrastructure domain for global corporates and governments by envisaging their future needs now. Our products range from security and surveillance systems to testing equipment. We are also engaged in R&D, manufacturing and marketing of embedded solutions. Our research focuses on inventing methods for mass implementation in government sectors providing turnkey strategies and solutions through disruptive innovation. |

S-TECH is our reseller in Hong Kong. S-TECH is a Hong Kong based company focusing on Digital Forensics and associated investigation tools.
S-Tech partners with a number of leading Digital Forensics solution providers from around the world, offering customers a wide range of software solutions, related hardware products and accessories.
Continually source and supply a wide range of computer, mobile, etc forensic products to customers in Asia; providing what we call a ‘forensic tools box’ for customers as a trusted source. |

Scientific Analytical Tools is our reseller in United Arab Emirates. Founded in 2004, S.A.T Trading is one of the leading providers and suppliers of digital forensics systems and solutions. As a partner of all current market leaders of forensic hardware and software, S.A.T Trading can provide you with a wide range of digital forensics services. |

TrustLink, established in 2014, is the leading Digital Forensic solutions and services provider based in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. TrustLink provides cutting-edge digital forensic solutions and outstanding services to various governmental and private sectors. |

ARS Digital Forensics is our reseller in Africa. Established in 2003, the company is a proven global leading provider of hardware and software tools and professional services in Digital Forensics, Audit and Assurance, e-Discovery, Data Recovery, Cell Site Analysis, Forensic Document Examination, Expert Witness Testimonies, ICT Security Management and Training. |

Callens is our reseller in Ghana. Callens is an end-to-end technology solutions company serving diverse industries. We help clients globally to create and deliver experiences that enable them to manage their businesses and activities with ease, speed and convenience. Our services include: Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, IT Audit, Software Development, Telecommunications – Tower Support Services, Core Network, Core IT, Integration, Data Centre Build and Support – Server Virtualization, High Availability, Data Replication, End-to-End Data Warehousing Deployment (Big Data Concepts, Data Extract, Transformation and Loading, Data Mining, Development of Data Marts, Analytics and Reporting), Digitalisation, Automation, Internet of Things (IoT), Switch Deployment with Integration and Interoperability. |

Cyber Security Africa is our reseller in Kenya. Cyber Security Africa Limited is a Leading Information Technology Security and Digital Forensics Consulting Company offering a comprehensive range of Products and Services to help organizations protect their valuable assets.
We provide unrivaled Products, technical services and trusted advises to our clients, a role that allows us to fully understand and help our clients to achieve their organization and security objectives.
We have a team and partners in information Security and Digital Forensics industry who are veterans. Cyber Security Africa is well positioned partner for value-optimized, thought leadership, cost efficient products and services opportunities. |

Scientific Analytical Tools is our reseller in United Arab Emirates. Founded in 2004, S.A.T Trading is one of the leading providers and suppliers of digital forensics systems and solutions. As a partner of all current market leaders of forensic hardware and software, S.A.T Trading can provide you with a wide range of digital forensics services. |

TRACIP is our reseller in France and French-speaking African countries. As the leading Data
Recovery & Digital Investigation Laboratory in France since 1994, TRACIP
brings its strong experience in the Computer Forensic field to advise, equip
and train Law Enforcement, Corporations, Attorneys and Computer Forensic
experts. From securing the evidence to editing a report while analyzing
deeply the information from many types of suspect Medias, TRACIP will provide
you with the whole range of tools and the necessary knowledge to cover a
full Computer Forensic examination efficiently. |

CyberExperts is our partner in Brazil. CyberExperts is born from the union of professionals with recognized and outstanding performance in the areas of compliance, data protection and digital forensics. |

Grupo ITD, S.A. was founded in 2007 with a focus on forensic solutions and research analysis for governments, law enforcement agencies (LEA) and intelligence units. Using cutting-edge technologies recognized worldwide. Over the years, they have developed a portfolio in the areas of Analysis, Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Equipment, Supervision and Intelligence, backed up by certified professionals with long experience, as well as representing products and solutions of globally recognized brands such as Belkasoft with its unique product Evidence Center, today one of the best solution for mobile forensics. |

CBIT is our reseller in Australia. The company is the supplier and partner of choice for Digital Forensics hardware, software, training and consulting services throughout Australasia. The company has provided training and procurement services to government, law enforcement agencies and to the corporate sector. |

Fulcrum Management is our reseller in Australia and New Zealand. Fulcrum Management is the leading supplier, and partner of choice for digital investigations (Computer & Mobile Forensics) software, hardware and vendor led training in Australasia. The company represents more than 40 suppliers and have offices in Sydney. The company has provided procurement services to government, law enforcement agencies and to the corporate sector.
Email sales@fulcrum.net.au
Phone +61 431 436 007
PO Box 615, Manly NSW 2095. Australia