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What's new in Belkasoft Evidence Center X

Yuri Gubanov

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Conozca Belkasoft Evidence Center X

Maria Khripun

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Was gibt es Neues in Belkasoft Evidence Center X?

Alina Shmakova

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From the Field: Belkasoft X User's Guide to Effective Forensics

Watch our webinar with Richard Boddington, a seasoned digital forensics expert from Australia.

Digital Triage with Belkasoft T

Watch the Belkasoft's webinar on digital forensics triage and learn why you need a specialized tool for triage and why regular forensics tools will not work for it.

Belkasoft X Brute-Force

Belkasoft introduces a free tool to unlock certain models of iPhone and iPad devices. This webinar shows what the new free tool can do for iOS forensics.

SQLite Forensics with Belkasoft

During this webinar you will learn how to locate deleted data inside a SQLite database and to use Belkasoft’s top-of-the-line SQLite Viewer to find important information.

MacOS forensics: decryption and analysis of apps images from Macs with T2

During this webinar, we will cover decryption—a raw nerve of every DFIR expert—as well as analysis of the acquired and decrypted data of a Macbook with a T2 chipset.

Viber Forensics with Belkasoft

During this webinar we will demonstrate what you can do with Belkasoft X to get and analyze Viber data acquired from iOS and Android devices.

Linux Forensics with Belkasoft X

During this webinar we will talk about Linux forensics and how Belkasoft X can help with the difficulties that investigator faces while analyzing devices based on Linux.

8 methods to obtain data from WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram on an Android device

During this webinar, you will learn what data could be extracted from WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram on an Android device and what acquisition methods could be used.

Down The Rabbit Hole: Carving and its Implementations in Digital Forensics

During this webinar, you will learn what is carving and how it could be used to find deleted and hidden data. We will review what can and cannot be carved and how to perform carving with Belkasoft X.

Cloudy Again: Collect and Review Cloud Artifacts with Belkasoft

During this webinar, you will learn what kind of challenges experts face when they deal with the cloud during investigations and how a digital forensic investigation involving cloud artifacts can be accelerated with Belkasoft X.

WeChat Forensics with Belkasoft X

During this webinar, you will learn what kind of information can be really extracted from WeChat files and how you can simplify and automate WeChat investigations with Belkasoft X.

Belkasoft Evidence Center X Features Walkthrough

DFIR expert Jared Luebbert will talk about the capabilities of Belkasoft products to fight homicide, crimes against children, drug trafficking, data leakage, fraud, and other online and offline crimes.

Countering Anti-Forensic Efforts

During this webinar, you will learn what measures a user can perform in order to hide traces of his activity and what a digital investigator could do to cope with them.

Analyzing encrypted chat applications with Belkasoft X: Signal & Wickr Me

In the course of this webinar, you will learn more about Signal and WickrMe chat apps, which are known for end-to-end encryption and ephemerality. In fact, a task to extract some valuable data from these two encrypted chats seems to be hopeless for investigators. With the recently released Belkasoft X, you are able to get chat data and analyze it.

Forensic Analysis of LNK Files

During this webinar, you will learn what kind of information an LNK file contains and how you can automate LNK files investigations with Belkasoft X.

Media files forensics with Belkasoft X

During this webinar, you will learn how you can automate audio, picture and video files investigations with Belkasoft X and what kind of features Belkasoft X provides to make the analysis of multimedia files easier.

Android phones investigation: data extraction and analysis with Belkasoft X

During this webinar you will learn which acquisition methods can be used by digital forensic investigators to gain privileged access to Android devices during an investigation. Belkasoft X supports multiple extraction methods to help you acquire the most complete image. In the course of the webinar you will find out how the product is capable to increase your chances to get the data you need.

Locked iPhones investigation: What can you do to acquire data?

During this webinar we will discuss various methods allowing data acquisition from locked iPhones and available in Belkasoft Evidence Center X, an easy-to-use and powerful digital forensics and incident response solution which simplifies and accelerates a digital investigation workflow.

Meet the new Belkasoft N!

Belkasoft Incident Investigations (Belkasoft N) is a new DFIR tool by Belkasoft aimed to help users investigate hacking attempts of Windows-based computers. By analyzing numerous sources such as registry, event logs and memory dumps, it can find traces, which are typical to various tricks used by hackers to penetrate company's infrastructure.

Meet the new Belkasoft T!

Belkasoft Triage is a new DFIR tool by Belkasoft with the help of which you can extract and filter out important data from Windows machines relevant for your case. During this webinar, Belkasoft's CEO Yuri Gubanov speaks about the product and its functionality. You can also sneak peek into the new product during the demo session.

Instagram and TikTok Forensics with Belkasoft

During this webinar you will learn what kind of artifacts can be extracted and analyzed from Instagram and TikTok on Android and iOS. We also demonstrate how you can analyze both apps with Belkasoft X.

Forensic acquisition and analysis of Twitter apps on iOS and Android

Due to the extensive use of Twitter, there is a surge in cybercrimes such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cryptocurrency scams, account takeovers. Digital examiners often come across the Twitter app as a part of the investigation. That is why it becomes necessary to understand, where the most valuable Twitter artifacts like chats and media files are stored on the mobile devices.

Meet the new Belkasoft R!

Belkasoft Remote Acquisition (Belkasoft R) is a new digital forensic and incident response tool developed specifically for remote extraction of hard and removable drives, RAM, connected mobile devices, and even specific types of data.

Android acquisition methods with Belkasoft X

During this webinar you will learn which acquisition methods can be used by digital forensic investigators, when they have to deal with Android devices during an investigation. You will also find out, which of Android acquisition techniques are available in a digital forensic and incident response tool Belkasoft X.

macOS Forensics with Belkasoft X

During this webinar we will talk about macOS forensics and how Belkasoft X can help with the difficulties that investigator faces while analyzing macOS devices. We will also review the supported artifacts, including recently added by Belkasoft X—Notifications.

Where DF meets IR: an incident response case, which turned out to be a criminal one

During this webinar we will review a fake case, in which all starts with a simple information disclosure. An important document leaks from a corporation and an incident response case begins. However, some of findings lead to another type of investigation, and that’s where ‘digital forensics’ meets ‘incident response’. We will cover some important incident investigation techniques as well as digital forensic methods to analyze different types of data sources. The case is fictitious, however the approaches used are real.

Accelerating your digital forensic investigation with Belkasoft X

Belkasoft Evidence Center X is a flagship product by Belkasoft. The product provides digital forensic investigators with a large range of functionality to help accelerate investigations. During this webinar, we will talk about the key capabilities of Belkasoft X, allowing to solve digital crimes.

Forensic analysis of video files and pictures with Belkasoft X

During this webinar we will review a number of topics regarding forensic analysis of pictures and video files in Belkasoft X. We will also demonstrate you cool Belkasoft X features, including the analysis of video files with multiple video streams.

How Belkasoft X can help you to deal with locked iPhones?

During this webinar we will discuss various methods allowing data acquisition from locked iPhones and available in the recently released Belkasoft Evidence Center X, an easy-to-use and powerful digital forensics and incident response solution which simplifies and accelerates a digital investigation workflow.

USB Forensics with Belkasoft

During this webinar we will discuss artifacts leftover plugging in USB devices to Windows computers or laptops, and how to extract and analyze them. This webinar will be useful to digital forensic investigators working in Law Enforcement organizations as well as to incident responders from Corporates.

Wi-Fi Forensics with Belkasoft

The new Belkasoft webinar on Wi-Fi forensics is aimed at digital forensic investigators and incident responders who are interested in obtaining evidence about computer and smartphone wireless activities.

eDiscovery with Belkasoft Evidence Center

Over the past decade Electronically Stored Information (ESI) became exponentially more diverse, extensive, and widespread, both individuals and businesses store their data in electronic formats more than ever. And that’s where eDiscovery and digital forensics pop up, as with exponential growth of ESI came the need to discover different types of data. Belkasoft Evidence Center is primarily a digital forensic tool, but it can be quite handy when you have an eDiscovery case.

Bypassing iPhone's USB restricted mode with Belkasoft Evidence Center

Every new security feature in iOS means a certain challenge for digital forensic practitioners dealing with an iDevice as an evidence. And that’s where Belkasoft Evidence Center, the holistic digital forensic solution, can be useful, as it is evolving all the time and provides its customers with the cutting-edge technologies like iOS USB restricted mode workaround. Watch the webinar to learn how to use Belkasoft Evidence Center to bypass iOS USB restricted mode.

Incident investigations with Belkasoft

Incident Investigations module is designed to help users investigate hacking attempts of Windows-based computers. By analyzing several sources—such as registry entries, event logs, and memory dumps—it can find traces of attacks, which typically correspond to tricks used by hackers to penetrate a company's IT infrastructure. Watch the webinar to find out about cyber kill chain, how Belkasoft utilizes it, and where the artifacts worth examining are located on BEC's interface.

WhatsApp forensics with Belkasoft Evidence Center

Watch the webinar to learn all the ways of extracting WhatsApp data from users’ smartphones and computers.

Keychain extraction and agent-based acquisition

In this video, Belkasoft experts will tell you about the important feature of every iOS device - keychain. With Belkasoft Evidence Center, you will be able not only to extract keychain but also use it for subsequent decryption of encrypted data.

Benefits of remote forensics

Watch this webinar to learn how you can use Belkasoft Evidence Center for remote device acquisition.

iPhone's DFU practical guide

Belkasoft expert is speaking about the checkm8-based iOS acquisition feature of Belkasoft Evidence Center digital forensic software, and in particular, about the process of entering so called "DFU mode" on various iPhone models, for DFU is the first crucial step in order to acquire a device image.

Belkasoft safari webinar

Happy All Fools Day from Belkasoft! This is a fun webinar on both wild life encounters and digital forensics!

Locked iPhone acquisition with Belkasoft Evidence Center

In this webinar, we discuss what types of data can be extracted from locked iPhones with the help of checkm8-based acquisition feature of Belkasoft Evidence Center version.

Full file system iPhone acquisition with Belkasoft Evidence Center checkm8 feature

In this webinar, we explain what is checkm8 and why this exploit is a game changer for mobile forensics of Apple devices. We discuss differences between checkm8 and checkra1n and show how Belkasoft Evidence Center can help you to acquire iPhone data in an easy and automated way on Windows PC.

Agent-based iOS acquisition with Belkasoft Evidence Center

This Belkasoft webinar is devoted to the iOS acquisition based on the agent approach. Belkasoft allows you to acquire a full file system copy from some iOS versions even without a jailbreak. Learn about requirements for successfull agent-based acquisition of an iPhone or an iPad, and also get updates about checkra1n support by Belkasoft.

Belkasoft Evidence Center as first responder capability for companies and governments

Two experienced and prominent law enforcement professionals are discussing the importance of First Responder Capability for Companies and Governments.

Mobile device acquisition with Belkasoft

Our team will summarize and show you the available toolbox of BEC regarding both Android-based and Apple devices.

What's new in Belkasoft Evidence Center v.9.7

This webinar will cover all the new exciting features of the Belkasoft Evidence Center 2020 version 9.7. In this release, Belkasoft significantly expanded support for various mobile data sources and added support for more operating systems in its Remote Forensics module.

System files tricks for forensic investigations and incident response

With the help of Belkasoft Evidence Center, you will be able to find important artifacts inside system files, which will help you to solve a forensic case or an incident response case. This webinar will be useful for both law enforcement and the private companies' investigators.

SQLite forensics with Belkasoft

During this demo session, you will get a solid overview of the product features. We will discuss new trends and recently introduced artifacts, supported by BEC. In particular, we will cover restoring deleted data from SQLite, including Telegram secret chats, and memory analysis, including carving SQLites from RAM dumps.

Telegram messenger investigations on mobile devices

With 200M+ audience worldwide, Telegram Messenger is one of the most popular chat apps. Due to its increasing popularity it is met more and more often in digital investigations. Watch the webinar by Yuri Gubanov, CEO of Belkasoft, to learn more.

Forensic analysis of modern instant messengers

We will go through some popular messengers such as WhatsApp, Telegram, SnapChat and Skype. We will also cover RAM and SQLite forensics, needed to recover deleted or hidden chats.