BelkaX-401 Cloud-Based Investigations Course

The course details:

Language: English

Duration: 2 days

Formats: Onsite or online

The course is designed for

Law enforcement
Military investigations
Private security

The course content

The course is designed to provide examiners training on the knowledge and skills required to:

  • Forensically acquire cloud storage data for analysis
  • Identify and analyze cloud-based artifacts from computers and mobile devices

on cloud artifacts utilizing the Belkasoft X platform.

What does the course include?

instructor-led demonstrations
practical exercises

You will learn to


on cloud artifacts utilizing the Belkasoft X platform

During course activities and exercises, participants will demonstrate the ability to perform forensically sound investigations and efficiently analyze digital artifacts pertaining to items of evidentiary value. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to draft an effective report on findings detailing the analysis process followed to locate pertinent evidence.


  1. Introduction1 hour
  2. Overview of Cloud Technology2 hours
  3. Acquiring Cloud Storage2 hours
  4. Identifying Cloud-Based Artifacts2 hours
  5. Advanced Analysis2 hours
  6. Final Practical2 hours
  7. Belkasoft X Reporting1 hour


Belkasoft course is written based on over fifteen years of field experience from working with LE officers and CCU examiners worldwide. 

The techniques taught in this course have been curated from extensive research, testing, and use on live systems involved in actual cyber crimes investigated around the world where DSI examiners were actively involved as contracted analysts, instructors, and mentors.

Register to the course