Belkasoft X Help Contents

Other options and functions on Home

Opening Belkasoft X help

To open Belkasoft X help, click on Product Reference.

Checking for updates

To receive updates for Belkasoft X, click on Check for updates. Belkasoft X searches for current updates.

Viewing Belkasoft X info

To view information about Belkasoft X installed on your computer—its version, license info, available modules, and other details—click on About.

Closing Belkasoft X

To close Belkasoft X, click on Exit.

Belkasoft X tutorials

To watch a tutorial on a topic, click on the topic.

Note: Belkasoft X forwards the link to your browser and opens the tutorial video on YouTube. An internet connection is required to watch tutorial videos.

Accessing license info

To view your license, click on License information. Belkasoft X presents your license details—to whom Belkasoft X is licensed, license expiry date, and installed modules—on the License activation window.

  • Extending your license
    To extend your license, click on Renew your support. Belkasoft X now directs you to the customer portal on your browser window. Fill in your credentials to log into your account.
  • Activating and using another license
    To activate or use a different license, click on Browse another license. Browse through your computer and select the license file.

To dismiss the License information window, click on Close.

See also:

Home screen