Belkasoft DFIR industry survey is continuing and we are getting a massive number of responses. Besides DFIR questions, we have some about inspiration. While we are waiting for the end of the survey to see an objective picture connected to the questions on DFIR topics, we would like to share some responses about people that inspire our participants.
There is a question in the survey 'Imagine, that you have an opportunity to ask anyone anything in the entire history of the Earth, who could become your personal advisor, who would you choose? What would you ask this person about above all?'
One of the survey participants shared the desire to follow Da Vinci's routine and understand how he managed to be multidisciplinary in such an excellent way.
Others would like to ask:
- Einstein, how did he come up with the idea of relativity
- Tesla. Where do you see us in 100 years?
- Nikola Tesla, how did you "predict" smartphones?
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. I would ask him about his theory of multiple possible worlds.
- It is a good question and I would like to ask Steve Jobs about technological design, Bill Gates about technological perspectives, Mahatma Gandhi about meditation and inner peace, Napoleon Bonaparte about strategy.
We were glad to see answers from real DFIR fans, whose most important questions are still about the job:
- Mr. Kevin Mitnick, about her hacking methods
- Kevin Ripa, I'd ask him if I can join his company and learn more about Digital Forensics
- At the moment, Heather Mahalik. She's a wealth of knowledge about digital forensics and appears to be able to maintain a great work/home balance. She's very successful in our field and highly respected. She also seems like a lot of fun. Not a profound historical choice, but she immediately comes to mind.
- Bruce Schneier. Will ask some questions about the security principle and crypto algorithm.
- Whouaou...very difficult! I believe that I will ask General de Gaulle to help us readjust the Code of Criminal Procedure in order to simplify our procedures, which have become more complex over time, while obliging mobile telephone operators to respond to requisitions free of charge.
- Edmond Locard, What next for digital Forensics?
Some answers are in a more humorous manner:
- My wife. Why is she always right?!
- I normally use Google to search for everything
- Yeah, I got nothing. I sat here for 10 minutes and was only able to come up with joke answers.
There are other philosophical questions, we will publish them later as well.
Please share your experience and opinion too. Participate in the research and get a chance to win the full-featured license of Belkasoft X.