WeChat is one of the world’s most successful apps ever. WeChat is commonly referred to as a “super-app”, but why?
WeChat has over 1.25 billion monthly active users from a wide range of age groups. It is important to keep in mind that only 6.4 billion have smartphones. So we can roughly expect that 1 in every 5 people in the world who own a smartphone will be using WeChat.
Besides that, WeChat allows connecting netizens with brands and businesses directly. All kinds of payments in China are made through WeChat: supermarkets, a car or motorbike sharing, financial relations between individuals, and so on.
This information certainly qualifies WeChat as a super-app in our opinion. Investigation of this app is a 'have to' skill.
During this webinar, you will learn:
- Messages, pics, videos, payments, geolocation—what kind of information can be really extracted from WeChat files?
- Challenges that an expert encounter during WeChat investigation
- How you can simplify and automate WeChat files investigations with Belkasoft X
WeChat is the number one social media and communication tool for Mandarin and Cantonese-speaking people worldwide. This fact rather complicates the investigator's work. Belkasoft has a decision for this too.
The webinar will take place on December 16.
Two time slots are available to suit most timezones around the globe:
1. 10am CET (Berlin) / 5pm (Singapore) / 8pm (Sydney)
2. 9am PST (Los Angeles) / 12pm EST (New York) / 2pm (Rio de Janeiro)
Please sign up below.
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MORE ABOUT BELKASOFT X: https://belkasoft.com/x