According to the last data in October 2021, WhatsApp and Telegram are TOP-5 messengers by a number of monthly users. Compared to these applications, Viber concedes, but it has about 260 million active users which is still a lot. These numbers earnestly prove the importance of investigations skills for these 3 apps.

Attend the webinar and learn:

  • What valuable data can be extracted from the above-mentioned chat apps
  • Standard and advanced Android acquisition methods which could be used to extract the data, including:
    • Android screen capture method
    • APK downgrade support
    • Data extraction from MTK-, Qualcomm- and Spreadtrum-based devices
    • And even more helpful methods...
  • Key challenges of Android acquisition

The webinar will take place on February 24.

Two time slots are available to suit most timezones around the globe:
1. 10am CET (Berlin) / 5pm (Singapore) / 8pm (Sydney)
2. 9am PST (Los Angeles) / 12pm EST (New York) / 2pm (Rio de Janeiro)

Please sign up below.

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