BelkaCTF #6: Bogus Bill

BelkaCTF #6 is over, the gang of money forgers is all caught. Thank you for being a part of this! Congratulations to the winners:
Student track: its5Q, belkakaka, kiwi
Professional track: sinsa, sm233, teo4n6

đź“„ BelkaCTF #6: Bogus Bill write-up

I shuffled into the Chief's office, slumping slightly. He seemed to notice but didn't acknowledge it.

—Bad news, Chief.

—Lay it on me.

—I couldn't decrypt the talks with Chase, there seems to be some unconventional encryption going on.

—Not good. He's the right hand to the boss, he would know the ins and outs of gang's cash flow.

Financial Institution
Solved 5 times

Which offshore financial institution did the gang bank with?
Provide its SWIFT code.


100 100 100 127 100 208 643 40 286 357 603 438 438 315 357 579 691 829 590 50