In order to activate your purchased product, you need a license file (Note: you do not need a license file to activate the trial version).
The license file is sent you by Belkasoft right after you have completed your purchase. Make sure that is whitelisted with your email server. If you have not received your license, please check your spam folder. The license can also be downloaded from the Customer Portal.
The file is called license.xml (in case of Belkasoft X), license-r.xml (in case of Belkasoft R), or, in packed form, or, and contains various info about your license, such as an expiration date and available modules. Do not edit this file: this will lead to a corrupted license since its integrity is secured by a cryptographic signature.
You can either put the license file to the product folder (no matter if you put an archive or unpacked file) or browse it in the License activation window shown upon the start of non-activated product.
Select your license type for further instructions: