Our third BelkaCTF is now finished. We sincerely hope you enjoyed the competition, its plot and tasks. Thanks to every participant, and congratulations to June's winners:
Professional track: Weihan Goh, Spyros Moysiadis, Guo gen Ang
Student track: Hakkı Dizdar, Jaeheon Kim, Денис Габербуш

📄 BelkaCTF #3: “Meet the Boss” write-up

📺 Official solution video

Added at 21:00 CET:
Finally, the Hor’s testimony has arrived... A pile of papers written in dry legislative language. One scrap of paper caught my attention.

A-ha! Looks like it will be easier to access their CRM now. We still lack the Boss’s CRM password though, will need that if our goal is to incriminate him reasonably.
Understood, don't show again

Now we were both highly excited. We had found the URL, but now what?

— What the hell is that? Is that an onion? Why not garlic or lettuce? — The Chief seemed to have never heard of the Darknet. And sometimes even his pretty straight sense of humor abandoned him, so I made an attempt to stop the conversation before it spiraled out of control.

— Chief, any chances to convince the Boss to reveal the password?

— You’re kidding right? If this is what I suspect, it is his lifetime sentence. Just try 12345678 or something like that.

— What a great idea. Come back in billion years and I will have guessed the password by then.

Solved 6 times

What is the password to the syndicate’s CRM system?
